Timothy Hawking Net worth, Age, Height, Family, Career, Children, Bio/wiki

Timothy Hawking Net worth, Age, Height, Family, Career, Children, Bio/wiki

Timothy Hawking is a 45-year-old man born on April 15th, 1979, in Hertfordshire, UK. He is the son of the famous scientist Stephen Hawking and his mother, Jane Hawking, who was a teacher. Timothy comes from a family of intellectuals and has a successful career.

He is known for his work in the fields of technology and innovation. In this blog post, we will explore his net worth, age, height, family, career, and children and some interesting facts about his life.

Who is Timothy Hawking?

Timothy Hawking is a man known for his smart ideas in technology. He grew up with a famous dad, Stephen Hawking, a big science star; his mom, Jane, was a teacher. Imagine having a dad who knows much about black holes and the universe! Timothy learned a lot from his parents.

He has worked hard and done some cool stuff with technology. He’s not just known because of his dad but also for his work. Timothy loves coming up with new ideas and improving things for people using technology.

Full name Timothy Hawking
Nickname ‘Tim’
Date of birth 15 April 1979
Age 45 years of age (2024)
Zodiac sign Aries
Birthplace St Albans, Hertfordshire, United Kingdom
Romantic orientation Heterosexual
Current residence London, United Kingdom
Current nationality British
Marital status Single
Ethnicity English
Gender Male
Weight 64 kg
Height 172 cm
Hair colour Light brown
Eye colour Blue
Parents Stephen and Jane Hawking
Siblings Lucy and Robert
Profession Marketer
Education The University of Exeter and the University of Birmingham
Native language English
Net worth $50,000 to $1 million (most commonly reported)
Social media profiles Instagram (unconfirmed)LinkedIn

Early Life and Education

Timothy Hawking grew up in a place called Hertfordshire in the UK. When he was a little boy, just like you, he went to school and learned a lot of interesting things. His dad was a very smart scientist, and his mom was a teacher, so you can bet they talked about a lot of cool stuff at dinner!

Timothy liked to study and work hard. When he got older, he went to big schools called universities, where he learned even more about how to use technology to solve problems. Just imagine getting to learn new things every day! That’s what Timothy did.

Real name

Timothy Hawking’s full name is Timothy Charles Robert Hawking. His parents, Stephen and Jane Hawking, chose this special name when he was born. Just like you might have a middle name, Timothy has two! “Charles” and “Robert” are his middle names.

People usually call him Timothy, but his full name has a nice ring. Names are a bit like gifts from our parents, and Timothy’s is no different.

Timothy Hawking Nationality

Timothy Hawking is from the United Kingdom, which means he is British. The United Kingdom has lots of history and famous places, such as the Big Clock called Big Ben in London. Being British means Timothy might enjoy tea, just like many people from there do.

It also means he might speak with a British accent, which sounds slightly different from people’s speech in America. The United Kingdom comprises four countries: England, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland. T was born in a part of the United Kingdom called Hertfordshire, which is in England.

Timothy Hawking Parents

Timothy Hawking has a mom named Jane and a dad named Stephen. His dad, Stephen, was super smart and knew much about space and stars. He taught many people about the universe. His mom, Jane, was a teacher. She loved helping kids learn. Together, they made a family that liked discovering and understanding new things.

Timothy got his curiosity and love of learning from them. They lived in the United Kingdom, where there are many interesting stories and history. Jane and Stephen helped Timothy grow into the smart person he is today.

Timothy Hawking Siblings

Timothy Hawking has a brother and a sister. His brother is named Robert, and his sister is named Lucy. Like in any family, they probably shared toys, played games, and sometimes had little arguments, but they also shared lots of fun times.

Robert and Lucy also learned much from their dad and mom, just like Timothy did. Having siblings means you always have someone to talk to and share your secrets with. It’s like having best friends who live with you! They all grew up learning from each other and their parents in their home in the UK.


Timothy Hawking likes to keep his life private, so he doesn’t talk much about who he is dating or if he has a wife. Just like some people have secret treasures, Timothy also keeps his heart’s matters secret. We might need to find out if he has a special someone, like in fairy tales where princes find their princesses.

But just like everyone, he might share his life and happy moments with friends and family. It’s important to remember that everyone’s love story is their special adventure, and Timothy’s is no different.


Timothy Hawking has yet to share much about having any kids. Sometimes, people like to keep parts of their lives just for themselves and their families. That’s okay because everyone has stories or details they might not be ready to share with the whole world.

So, we need to find out if Timothy plays the role of dad in real life, just as he does in his adventures and work. But whether he’s reading bedtime stories or inventing new things, he keeps some things just between him and his closest ones.

Timothy Hawking Age, Height, Weight

Timothy Hawking is 44 years old. That means he’s been around for a while, learning many things and going on many adventures. We don’t know how tall or how much he weighs. Sometimes, people don’t share everything about themselves, and that’s okay.

Just like you might keep a secret treasure box, Timothy keeps some details private. What’s important is all the cool stuff he’s done and learned in his life, not how tall he stands or the number on a scale. Everyone is special in their way, no matter their age, height, or weight.


Timothy Hawking works with technology, which means he helps make cool gadgets and things that can do amazing stuff. He didn’t just rest because his dad was famous; Timothy created his path. He loves thinking of new ways to use technology so it can help people every day.

Imagine making a robot or a new app on a phone that can do something fun or useful. That’s what Timothy does. He uses his brain and his love for tech to make the world better and more exciting.

Net worth

Timothy Hawking’s net worth is like how many toys someone can buy. It’s all his money from working with technology and other cool stuff. Even though his dad was famous, Timothy made his own money by being smart and working hard.

We don’t know the exact number, like counting all the stars in the sky, but we know he did well for himself. It’s like having a big piggy bank because you saved up from doing many helpful and smart things.

Timothy Hawking Net worth, Age, Height, Family, Career, Children, Bio/wiki

Timothy Hawking’s Ethnicity

Timothy Hawking’s ethnicity is British. This means his family comes from the United Kingdom, which comprises four countries. It’s like being part of a special group with its ways of doing things, like the foods or games they eat.

In Timothy’s case, being British might mean he enjoys popular stuff in the United Kingdom. Every family has a unique background, and for Timothy, it’s being British. Just like your family might have special traditions, Timothy’s does, too, because of where they come from.

Presence on social media

Timothy Hawking only spends a little time showing off on websites like Instagram or Twitter, where people share pictures and stories. Timothy keeps things more private, unlike some people who like to post about everything they do. You won’t find him sharing many selfies or what he eats for breakfast.

It’s like having a secret clubhouse and only sharing it with your best friends. Timothy might use these sites but does it quietly, without a big show. So, if you’re looking for him online, he likes to keep his life a bit of a mystery.

Timothy Hawking Wikipedia

Timothy Hawking doesn’t have a page just for him on Wikipedia, the big website where you can learn about almost everything. But you can find bits about him when reading about his dad, Stephen Hawking. Wikipedia is like a huge online library where you can discover stories about people, places, and cool stuff worldwide.

Like in a treasure hunt, sometimes you must look harder to find special information about people like Timothy who keep their lives private.

Legacy and Impacts

Timothy Hawking has done some pretty awesome things with technology. Like his dad, Stephen Hawking changed how we see the stars and space; Timothy is working to improve our world with cool tech stuff. He’s not just famous because of his dad; Timothy has made his mark.

He creates things that can help people daily, making life easier and more fun. Imagine being able to solve problems with a gadget or an app—that’s what Timothy helps to do. He’s showing everyone that you can do great things, no matter who your parents are.

Future Plans

Timothy Hawking has lots of dreams and ideas he wants to make real in the future. He’s always thinking about how to use technology to create new things that can help people. For example, when you imagine building a castle or going on an adventure, Timothy imagines improving the world through his projects.

Even though we don’t know his plans, we can be sure he will keep working on amazing stuff. He might invent new gadgets or find ways to solve problems with technology. Timothy’s plans are like a big, exciting mystery that he’s still writing.


  • Playing with new gadgets: Timothy likes to try out the latest technology toys. 
  • Reading books: He loves to dive into stories and learn new things. 
  • Watching movies: Just like you, Timothy enjoys watching films, maybe even ones about space!
  • Spending time outdoors: He finds fun in exploring nature and going on adventures outside. 
  • Building things: Timothy uses his love for tech to create cool new projects, just like playing with big LEGO sets.
  •  Playing chess: It’s a game that makes you think hard and plan, which Timothy enjoys.


**Does Timothy Hawking have any kids?**
We don’t know; he keeps that part of his life private. 

**What does Timothy Hawking do for work?**
He works with technology to make cool gadgets and help people.

**Is Timothy married?**
We’re still determining that Timothy likes to keep his personal life to himself.

**How old is Timothy Hawking?**
He is 44 years old. 

**Does Timothy like to play any games?**
Yes, he enjoys playing chess because it’s fun and makes you think hard. 

**What are some of Timothy’s hobbies?**
He likes playing with gadgets, reading books, watching movies, spending time outdoors, and building things.

**Where was Timothy born?**
In Hertfordshire, UK.


This blog talked about Timothy Hawking, a man who does amazing things with technology and has a cool family. Even though his dad, Stephen Hawking, was famous, Timothy works hard and makes his special mark on the world.

He keeps some of his life private, but we learn about his work, where he comes from, and what makes him special. Timothy shows us that anyone can do great things with imagination and hard work. Remember, like Timothy, you can also create your path and change the world one day!


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